01 A 17 A: That was one heavy woman who checked in here last night! B: I guess! It took four orderlies to carry her. She was _________ than a yearling hefer. (A) heavier than (B) as heavy (C) more heavier (D) the heaviest 02 D 17 A: My favorite book is " Great Expectations " B: One of the ________ books I've read is "Gulliver's Travels". (A) best than (B) more better (C) most better (D) most clever 03 C 17 A: What are we going to do about office space? B: Your plan to restore existing offices is the _______ solution. (A) good (B) most better (C) best (D) more better 04 B 17 A: You look tired. Aren't vacations supposed to have the opposite effect? B: Yes, well during our vacation, the children slept ________ usual. They kept us up all night, every night. (A) as little that (B) less than (C) littler that (D) less 05 C 07 A: How did the other company do this year? B: Since they did not follow the budgetary reforms we did, their profits were less this year ________ ours. (A) that (B) as (C) than (D) but 06 A 17 A: Does the new plan have any teeth? B: Yes, it suggests a ________ defense than the one we currently have. (A) stronger (B) most strongest (C) stronger than (D) as stronger 07 A 17 A: Why is Canada so much better than the United States? B: One reason is the Canada has __________ obvious racial conflict than the Unites States does. (A) less (B) few (C) fewer (D) least 08 C 17 A: The bank thinks it is the only one taking the risk. B: The risk we're taking is __________. (A) greater than the bank (B) as greater than the bank's (C) greater than the bank's (D) as greater as the bank's 09 A 17 A: Who is the best point guard in the NBA? B: Although some believe otherwise, no current point guard plays __________ John Stockton does. (A) as well as (B) as well (C) well as (D) as well than 10 C 17 A: What do you think of the Laker's. B: Their center doesn't move ________ a man on crutches. (A) as quickly than (B) as quickly as (C) as quickly as (D) as quickly 11 A 17 A: Why are summer days longer? B: The sdays become __________ as the sun moves into a wider orbit farther from the earth. (A) longer (B) as long as (C) as longer (D) as longest 12 A 17 A: How was the competition this year? B: It was __________ I can remember. (A) the easiest (B) the easy (C) easier (D) the easier 13 D 17 A: Where did that strange noise come from? B: It came through the thick walls separating the two buildings. It seemed to be __________ the next room. (A) as closest (B) closest (C) as close (D) as close as 14 B 17 A: What happened to the report? B: It was given __________ to the supervisor, who read it without delay. (A) more direct (B) directly (C) direct (D) as direct 15 D 17 A: Were there any earth shattering discoveries from the study? B: Yes, apparently students, particularly men, regard female teachers as __________ male teachers. (A) less worthy of (B) as worthy of (C) less worth than (D) less worthy than 16 A 17 A: What are the disadvantages of buying new products? B: The __________ changes in modern technology have left many computer owners with obsolete equipment. (A) rapid (B) more rapid (C) more rapid than (D) most rapid 17 B 17 A: Is there a trend occurring in health care? B: A greater number of doctors in __________ hospitals indicates another significant change in the status of health care for the low-income family. (A) fewest (B) fewer (C) the fewest (D) fewer than 18 A 17 A: Industrial zoning is becoming a real problem. What is your opinion on the subject? B: The industrial community should be __________ to the crowded centers, but distant enough to reduce potential hazards. (A) close (B) closer enough (C) closest enough (D) closest 19 A 17 A: People used to look older before their time since many lost their teeth at an early age. B: Yes. That was before dental care became ____________. (A) more widespread (B) most widespread (C) widespreader (D) widespreadest 20 C 17 A: This plane has a strange instrument panel. B: It's not really different, it's just __________ in the compartment than usual. (A) lowest (B) lowly (C) lower (D) low